Keleqinghe Gr
Type Locality and Naming
Karakoram. The reference section is located in the southeast of Dahongliutan, Hetian County, Xinjiang. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Regional Stratigraphic Table Compilation Group named it in 1981. The original Keleqinhe Group is a marine sedimentary stratum of Late Triassic, which is mainly composed of fine clastic rocks, located above the Heweitan Gr in the southwest of Xinjiang. In 1984, the fourth and tenth units of the first division of Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources surveyed sections in the upper reaches of the Yeerqiang River and the area around Qiaogeli Mountain and assigned the group. In 1987, Rao Rongbiao et al. assigned the Late Triassic marine strata in this area to Heweitan Gr, but did not use the Keleqinghe Gr, and divided it into two subgroups, the upper and the lower, and the age still belongs to the Late Triassic. This Lexicon uses the original meaning.
Lithology and Thickness
The main lithology is shallow metamorphic grey, dark grey, thin to middle medium, fine grained sandstone, feldspar quartz sandstone, siltstone, mellitization sandstone, slate and shale are uneven interbedded, with marble, quartzite and siliceous siltstone in local areas. The thickness is 2528~ 4844 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
In the Keleqing River area, the light yellow and gray shales at the bottom are in conformable contact with the underlying limestone and dolomite of the Heweitan Gr of Middle Triassic.
Upper contact
Schematic stratigraphic section indicates a Bagongbulansha Gr (early Jurassic, Karakorum region) as the next younger unit.
Regional extent
It is mainly distributed in southwest Xinjiang from Kleqing River to southeast of Karakoram Pass and south of Lokzong Mountain to Kara Mountain. Lithology and thickness vary greatly, and the metamorphic degree varies according to the distance between the rock mass and the depth. In Yinggedaban, it is conglomerate with siltstone and sandstone, with a thickness of 679 m. In Sailiyadaban-Mazha, fine clastic rock is the main lithology, with conglomerate at the bottom, and the thickness is 1081 m. In the southeast of Dahongliutan and 509 Daoban, the metamorphic fine clastic rocks are mainly composed of pebbly-bearing garnet graphite biotite quartz schist with the thickness of 6724 m and 4844 m, respectively. Yuanbaoling is still dominated by clastic rocks, with local lumps of limestone with a thickness of 4135 m.
There are ammonoids, corals, bivalves, brachiopods, gastropods, diggers, radiolarians, echinoderms, plants, pollen and other fossils. Ammonoid: Indonesites? sp.; Bivalve: Bakevellia sp., Entolium sp., Plagiostoma sp., Chlamys sp., Neoschizodus sp., Modiolus sp., Pachymya sp., Posidonia sp., Halobia comata, H. styriaca; Brachiopod: Dielasma julicum, Neocyrtina sp., Spiriferina sp., Septaliphoria sp., Neoretzia sp., Adygella sp.; Radiolarian: Stichocapsa sp., Ceneipsis sp.; Diggers: Fustiaria sp.
Depositional setting
The group is subabyssal to abyssal fine flysch deposits.
Additional Information